Winterizing Your Piercings

Winterizing Your Piercings

Depending on which hemisphere you live in, the weather may be turning cold and snowy. While this may be something you look forward to or something you dread, if the weather report is calling for snow…. it’s time to winterize! Your piercings, that is.

Winterizing Your Piercings

First of all, metal conducts cold. So, if you’re rocking larger-gauge metal jewelry like spiral tapers, plugs, or a septum ring, this is great time to switch materials. Organic materials or less conductive ones like glass and wood don’t get nearly as cold as metal does and they come in a vast range of styles and looks. No need to sacrifice style when the temperature dips!

Another tip is to check your style for snag points! If you have ear cartilage piercings and like to wear jewelry with gem ends or bullet-style ends, you may want to consider changing those out for a while. Shapes with points or sharp edges can easily get caught in a winter hat or scarf. The same is true of external oral piercings such as lip, bites, or a monroe – ends with snaggable points can get caught in a scarf, leading to an unpleasant surprise when you get back inside. Ouch! It’s easy enough to switch those ends for a flat-style gem or ball end, as well as any number of smoother-shaped charms. Flat disc-shaped ends are also great, so long as they sit flush with the skin.

Winterizing Your Piercings

If you spend a lot of time outdoors and have ear cartilage piercings with circular jewelry, you may wish to change those as well. Circular jewelry moves more within the piercing and wearing a hat or earmuffs can definitely exacerbate this. All that movement can lead to irritation, pain, and bumps. Changing your jewelry to a labret or a cartilage stud will cut down on all that motion and help you get through the winter without any bumps.

Finally, if you have new (or new-ish piercings that aren’t fully healed), don’t slack on your cleaning routine! If your pierced skin is sitting against your outerwear all day, your skin will naturally sweat. The combination of sweat on your skin and absorbing into your scarf or hat or what-have-you can lead to bacteria buildup. Not something you want sitting up against your healing piercing! Make sure to follow your piercer’s aftercare advice and you may want to ask about adding an extra cleaning (or even just a rinse) for when you come home.

Winterizing Your Piercings

When the weather gets cold, we take care of our homes, vehicles, and even our pets accordingly. However, many of us forget to prepare our piercings for the cold, dark days of winter. With just a little bit of preparation and a few minor changes, you can sail through the snowy months with comfortable and healthy piercings. Stay warm out there….and happy piercing!

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