Viva la Vida Satirica: Fashion Poking Fun at Pop

Worried that everything’s gone down the toilet? Then viciously satirical fashion might be just what you’re looking for. Skewer the trends, give a little tough love, and get ready to poke pop culture right in the eye.

Friend or foe, make the mustache a vehicle for expression. With mustache mania in full swing, it’s on everything from bling to bookshelves, and it’s time that everybody picked a side. Love it? Hate it? Go everywhere with your heart (and your ‘stache) on your sleeve. This is one bit of pop fodder that’s so bad, it’s good.

Stuck in suburbia and about to be driven crazy? Time to let yourself go bananas. Banana yellow, that is. Yellow is the fun side of retro, so next time someone asks you, “what’s your sign,” let your accessories speak for themselves. Caution: side effects may include uproarious laughter, a round of high fives, and offers of free drinks.

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Show the world that real girls kick butt! The best antidote to rude boy behavior is a feminine touch with just the right amount of spunk. Girly kitsch is dead, and the roller derby buried it. Bonus: independence is almost as hot as we are.