UK Cool: How Body Piercing is Shaping the New Rock Aesthetic

UK Cool: How Body Piercing is Shaping the New Rock Aesthetic

Rock n’ Roll is still very much alive in the UK, with the evolution of youth culture embracing the ideals of anarchy and anti-establishment to a lesser and more economically friendly extent, and the new mode of street fashion delving into the shallow end of the seventies punk aesthetic.

Piercings and body jewelry still play a momentous role in this new-rock, updated vintage style fashion-play, and though the general style mode is simple and metallic a-la Siouxsie and the Banshees era safety pin piercings, the piercings themselves are fresh and interesting.

Hoops and captive rings seem to be the order of the day, often paired with black cotton crop tees or addled leather, giving a gentle nod to the grunge direction of the nineties, but with a decidedly modern edge felt in the accessories. Think Audrey Kitching meets Adele, and you’re half way there.

Even London area models and designers (both male and female) have gotten in on the action, spawning the development and popularization of new styles and items of clothing and jewelry. Amongst our favorite up and comers: 24 year old model Marc, and 20 year old fashion design student Claire.

The polished bohemian rocker girl look has sprung into intensity in the United States as well, but with the bounty of punked-out and impassioned piercees in the UK, it seems we’ll be taking a cue from our British brethren in the new-rock style arena; at least for now.

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