The Modern Modification Lifestyle: Made for Mischief

silly celebration on Mischief Night

Everybody knows about Halloween, the best little holiday for fashion, candy, and fun. Dressing up, meeting other mysterious strangers, and becoming a character that goes bump in the night. But not everyone has heard of the precursor to All Hallow’s Eve: Mischief Night.

Mischief Night is October 30th, and just like Halloween, it’s a holiday of the night, but this fun freakathon isn’t just about candy. It’s an evening to be celebrated by a town’s young at heart, a special night reserved for one of the best bonding rituals known to man: pranks.

Now, we’re not talking vandalism or felonies here. This is more like good, clean, sometimes frightening fun. Think classic foolery, like woopie cushions, ding-dong ditch, gross tasting gum, and popping out at neighbors. Hiding in plain sight or pretending to be an inanimate dummy and then jumping up to scare the pants off early trick or treaters is one of the sweetest scares you can give. Props are definitely appropriate too, like rubber snakes and spiders, fake blood, and gooey eyeballs. Whatever your prankster style, this is the time to be creative and let loose.

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Looking the part is always helpful too, so don’t forget to pile on your kooky Halloween jewelry. For mischief night, dressing up in costume is optional, but being noticeably “in the spirit” goes a long way towards helping you get away with a few seasonal shenanigans. So go ahead; make a little mischief. We promise we won’t tell.