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Superhuman: Raising the Bar on Extreme Piercings and Mod
Superhuman: Raising the Bar on Extreme Piercings and Mod
In May of 2010, modification artist Tyson Turk shocked the world by breaking the 3,000 mark in “Most Piercings in a Single Sitting” for a new Guinness World Record. Unfortunately, just over a year later, Mr. Turk lost his title to a lovely female sideshow performer from Las Vegas, Miss Staysha Randall.
Standing a reported 5’11” tall and showcasing a penchant for strong-woman antics, Randall received 3,200 piercings in just over seven hours on June 7th, 2011. A friend who had collaborated with her on suspensions, Bill “Danger” Robinson of Inktoxicated Tattoo, pierced row upon row into the lovely Miss Randall’s back, legs, and one arm before she called it quits. Her 3,200 overshot Turk’s previous record by exactly 100 piercings.
So is this the end of the story for a while? Not hardly. Apparently eager to win back his record, Mr. Turk organized another attempt almost immediately, and on July 9th 2011 he hit another one out of the park. Fellow piercer and business partner Chris Elliot, who had braved the original 3,100 piercings, now took on an astounding 3,900 needles in about 7 hours and 46 minutes. Talk about a superhuman pain threshold.
Soon after regaining their top spot, a handful of others were already making plans to steal it, including another former record holder, Robert Rubio. 7,000 piercings in a single session anyone?