Stretching Fashion Flash: Dark Nature

stone plug fashion

Black gemstones don’t just make whoever wears them look cool as a cucumber, they also have metaphysical uses in accordance with several parapsychological beliefs. Black agate, for instance, is thought to be a stone of protection against negativity, as well as the bearer of an inspirational force that encourages bravery and success. Everyone’s ears could use a little extra success, right?

dark natural stone plugs and tunnels

Beautiful Creatures

hyper-realistic monochrome nature motifs

Hyper-realistic drawings of flora and fauna are a major mood (and fashion) booster. Throw in the depth of a monochrome color palette, and these stunning selections are sure to pump up any outfit with a tantalizing taste of the natural world. No enchanted forest required.

black and white realistic nature plugs

Wicked Wood

wood ear jewelry

Wood is the best of natural materials, and even comes ready in a deliciously dark shade of natural ebony. In the process of stretching still? No problem. The naturally occurring pores in organic wood allow the healing fistula of an ear piercing to breathe, preventing nasty “stretching stench,” and making it an ideal choice for expanding lobes. Now you can have your fashion cake and eat it too.

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dark organic wooden plugs and tunnels

fashion photography sourced via WGSN