Style History: Men’s Jewelry for National Aviation Day

Today is National Aviation Day! This holiday was first declared by sitting president Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939, over 35 years after the first successful flights in an air vessel were catalogued by the Wright Brothers. The day of celebration was chosen as August 19th because this day is younger brother Orville Wright’s birthday (he was born in 1871). There is also a Wright Brothers Day commemorating their first successful flight near Kitty Hawk in 1903; that holiday falls on the 17th of December.

Though the development of aviation during the first half of the twentieth century is a very important part of our nation’s history, we’re more interested in the amazing style of the early 1900’s, a style that would later lend elements to the cultural genres of Steampunk, Kitsch, Old School, Retro-pop, Barbershop, and Graphic Throwback.

So now we celebrate National Aviation Day as only those who love jewelry can: with an homage to early 1900’s retro and it’s modernized counterparts. A Favorite accessory that can go classic, neo-retro, or kitsch? Belt Buckles.

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And when it comes to metal, don’t forget the new durable tungsten remakes of classic men’s rings, like brushed finish styles, and single pinstripe or groove. It’s the style of the 1920’s, given a modern material update.

As for paying homage to the history of aviation itself, we recommend old school cockpit watches, or the classic standby: retooled versions of the military issue dog tag. Isn’t history fun?!