Nose Ring Types: How to Find the Perfect Style


When someone says “nose piercing” they’re usually referring to the body modification that is pierced and rests in the curve of one of the nostrils. Depending on where you find yourself culturally, “nose piercing” can take on a more general meaning and can refer to piercings such as the septum or the bridge of the nose. This broad sense of the term is also found when referring to the jewelry as a “nose ring” because this term is commonly used to reference any piece of jewelry worn in the nose. Besides the standard nose piercing that is simply a solitary piercing made in the natural crease of your nostril, there are a variety of other piercings that are found around the same area, including:

Double Nostril – two holes are created with the first piercing being higher than the other; requires a strategic and professional piercer due to the risk of hitting nerve structures; jewelry used are nose bones, nostril screws, l-shaped , nose hoops, circular barbells and even captive bead rings

Triple Nostril – requires more precautions in creating patterns to ensure nerve structures are not affected; most convenient jewelry used in this type are nose bones; commonly seen on the top crease of the nostril in a triangular pattern

High Nostril – jewelry is placed a few centimeters above the natural curve of the nostril crease; jewelry options for the high nostril piercing is limited to nose bones, l-shaped, and nostril screws

There are a total of five types of nose rings that are available for purchase on the hoop, nose bone, l-shaped, nose screw, and fishtail.

Nose Ring Types

The first four options are worn and chosen by the wearer’s necessity or personal preference, but the fifth style – the fishtail – is customizable and can be made into any variety of the other styles. Any of the five options available can be worn based on your own preference for comfort, sizing, or aesthetics. Nose jewelry has the ability to be beautiful with the many stylistic options you have in store for your choice, but it also has the added plus of being surprisingly versatile with the many types available and the ability to customize for a perfect fit and style.

1. Fishtail


Fishtails are straight nose rings with an extra long length and are specifically made to be custom fit by a professional piercer. If you’ve been having a difficult time finding a standard nose ring that fits your nostril comfortably, then you may have the unique sizing need that is met by choosing to wear a fishtail nose ring. Because the fishtail is about 19mm, or 3/4″ long, and has no shaping or bulb to hold it in place, it can’t be worn as is. You have to take it to a piercer in order to be sized and shaped first. This type is most commonly bent into an l-shaped nose ring or some form of nose screw, but it can also be made into any other shape, including a nose hoop.

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Pros: customizable size and shape
Cons: needs to be sized by a professional piercer before wearing

2. Nose Screw


The nose screw (also known as a nose stud, nose twister, or nose hook) comes down straight from the bottom of the decoration or gem setting and has a short, hooked post that goes into a small curl, which works as a backing to hold the jewelry in place and is appropriately named after the way you twist the screw into your nostril. There are right bend and left bend nose screws, so you must choose one or the other depending on which side of your nose is pierced to provide the best comfort and fit. This is probably the most popular type of nose ring available and has plenty of style options to choose from.

Pros: secure, provides flush fit against skin, wide variety of styles
Cons: may be visible in nostril, more difficult to insert into piercing

3. Nose Hoop


Nose hoops, which may be called by a variety of names depending on the geographical region or type of jewelry, will come in a variety of sizes and colors and are most often made of surgical grade stainless steel or titanium. A favorite during the nineties, this model of nose decoration has recently experienced a resurgence. Most hoops have an open end with a small flat disc on one side that rests just inside the piercing, and this style tends to be more noticeable than its studded counterparts. Hoops that are made specifically for the nostril piercing will be called a nose hoop, nose ring, or nose circular; others may choose to wear a captive ring or horseshoe circular barbell and refer to these styles are nose hoops as well. There are a number of different types of hoops available that can be used as nose rings on our site, including seamless segment rings, captive bead rings, and closure rings.

Pros: wide variety of sizes and colors, unlikely to apply pressure (good for healing), classic style
Neutral/Cons: more noticeable, less decoration/gem options

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4. L-Shaped


L-shaped nose rings have a shaping that appears as an uppercase “L,” hence the title, “l-shaped.” Because of the ninety-degree angle and the extension of material beyond it that rests against the inside of the nose, an l-shape will also have a fairly secure fit. It is also a much easier option to insert into your nose piercing as compared to some of the other types. The standard length of this item from the bottom of the setting to bend of the L is usually six to seven millimeters, though this may be shorter for specialty sizes.

Pros: fairly secure fit, wide variety of styles, easily made from fishtail nose rings, comes in left and right versions, easy to insert into piercing
Cons: easier to lose from nostril than other types, may be visible in nostril

5. Nose Bone


A nose bone has a short post with a decorative top that rests on the outside of your nostril and has a slightly bulbous bottom that secures the post in place in your nostril piercing. The nose bone usually has a straight piece of around six or seven millimeters in length and pops in and out of your piercing, sometimes with a little resistance due to that bump at the end. Easily removable and very comfortable, no excess material sits against the inner side of the nostril. Once inserted, the ball-shaped end will prevent the jewelry from falling out. These types of nose rings should not be used for initial or healing piercings because the bump at the end will give you plenty discomfort when you try to put it in.

Pros: provides flush fit against skin, secure fit, rarely visible in nostril, wide variety of styles
Cons: should not be used in healing piercings, may be difficult to insert into piercing at first

Alternate Style Options: Micro Nose Rings, Labrets, and Faux Hoops


Nose rings called “micro nose rings” that have extremely small ornamentation (usually a gemstone), but for the most part nose rings’ decorative tips come in three basic sizes, which are 1.5 millimeter, 2 millimeter, and 2.5 millimeter. These are great for those who have smaller noses or for those who want jewelry that is a little more discrete.


Labret studs (those that are 20 gauge or 18 gauge) are a popular form of alternate starter jewelry for nostril piercings for a few reasons. The top looks like those you would see on any type of nose ring, but the bottom is secured to the top with a threaded barbell (internally threaded items will be easiest to use), so you won’t lose your jewelry as easily. Additionally, a long stud can be inserted without it awkwardly sticking out, which is tough to accomplish with the usual nostril jewelry available.

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Grab the look of a hoop without straying from a stud-style. You’ll have the secure fit and decorative versatility of an l-shaped nose ring with the comfort and attention that comes from a nose hoop. A brand new addition to our nose ring collection, l-shaped faux hoop nose rings are the best of both worlds.


Do you need help figuring out what material is best for you and your nose piercing? Check out our previous blog post, which has everything you could ever hope to know about the materials used for our nose rings. If you need help with sizing, we’ve got a blog post for that too!

Hi Hunter, Style is totally up to you. Nose hoops and nose bones are a bit lower profile and shouldn’t touch your septum. You could also try a push-pin nose stud with a backing on it for a more snug fit.

Body Candy on August 11, 2021

Hi Caitlin, We don’t recommend changing your jewelry at all until you’ve completely healed – which will usually be sometime around one year of healing. I agree, a nose bone was not a good choice for healing your jewelry. Our best recommendation is to go to a different piercer and have them change out your jewelry into something a bit more secure for now.

Body Candy on August 11, 2021

A good article. Thank you. I write as my nose loop falls out. 🥴 I’ve been wearing your styles for years and now know the ones I will NOT loose. I do wish you had more colour options for the titanium nose loop. Red and orange, lavender and pale blue. Thank you. I’ve told hundreds of people about your site.

CJ on August 11, 2021

I got my nostril pierced in April and the piercer inserted a nose bone into the piercing. I just read that a nose bone shouldn’t be used for new/healing piercings, so should I attempt to change to different jewelry? I tested a couple different styles right after getting the piercing done and it left me with a little bump inside and out, so I’ve since left it alone.

Caitlin on August 11, 2021

Hi Hunter, It’s possible that your nose screw is just a little too large for your nose’s individual anatomy. Some other options – an L-shaped nose ring; a nose hoop; or a nose bone. Just make sure you match up the gauge sizes and you should be good to go.