Tattoo Care for First 48 Hours

bear tattoo on girls arm

1. Do not remove your bandage
2. Do not re-apply your bandage
3. Do not touch your tattoo
4. Do not use harsh soaps on your newly tattooed skin
5. Do not use a loofah
6. Do not scrub your tattoo
7. Do not prick your flakes off
8. Do not drink alcohol
9. Do not sunbathe, sweat, or swim
10. Do not use chemical-based lotions on your skin
11. Do not apply lotion with dirty hands
12. Do not scratch your tattoo
13. Do not overdo anything
14. Do not be impatient

Definitely, tattoos look amazing, but if you do not take good care of your newly etched tattoo, you may end up despising the same body artwork. Tattoo care is essential, especially in the first 48 hours. The first 48 hours are crucial. Sometimes clients forget to take good care of their body artwork; later, they have regrets and disappointments. If you are planning to get a tattoo, make sure you do not commit the same mistakes that most clients do.

Here I am sharing with you the 14 best tips for tattoo care first 48 hours. This is the time when you have to be really careful about your new artwork.

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1. Do not remove your bandage

removing bandage

First things first, your tattoo artist will apply a bandage over your new tattoo and ask you not to remove it for 24 hours. Some people find it a play. They will simply remove some bandage or plastic wrap portion to see how it’s going and then re-apply it. This is not done! Of course, I understand you are extremely excited to get a tattoo, but checking it, again and again, doesn’t make any sense. Also, it will simply hamper the healing procedure and nothing else. Hence, the best is to keep patience.

2. Do not re-apply your bandage

Alright! Even if you have removed your bandage by mistake or deliberately, now DO NOT RE-APPLY it. It can cause some infection. Re-applying the bandage is a big NO-NO. I know some people do it. They just become curious to remove their bandages to check their tattoo. I always tell them not to do it; it is harmful to your new tattoo. If you really want your tattoo to stay vibrant and shiny, just don’t do things that are restricted.

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3. Do not touch your tattoo

temporary tattoo words

This is again very common, especially with first-timers. They just want to see their tattoo, touch it, again and again. I don’t know what fun they get in touching their tattoos, but they enjoy it. Touching tattoos for the first 24 hours is NOT ALLOWED, no matter what. By doing so, you will simply cause problems for your newly pricked skin and the surrounding area.

4. Do not use harsh soaps on your newly tattooed skin

Again, this is important to keep in mind. You may feel like taking a shower after the tattoo, which you can do if your artist permits you. Yes, regarding the shower, you should ask your artist and do as he/she says. However, make sure you do not use a harsh soap on your skin. Use only mild soaps, which won’t cause any problem to your newly tattooed skin. Harsh soaps can damage the color or design of your new tattoo, which is not wise at all.

5. Do not use a loofah


You may be habitual of bathing with a loofah, but avoid using a loofah on your newly tattooed skin. Loofah or any washcloth can be harsh to your skin. And a harsh thing can damage your tattoo significantly. Therefore, it is good to avoid using a loofah for the first few days after getting your tattoo.

6. Do not scrub your tattoo

Scrubbing your new tattoo is a BIG NO-NO. Scrubbing your tattooed skin can create significant damage to your tattoo, which you won’t like later. Of course, there is no point in spending a lot of money on a tattoo and going through that pain if you have to distort it. Just do what your artist has asked you to do; doing anything beyond that will affect the healing of your tattoo.

7. Do not prick your flakes off

A tattoo is nothing but a wound. Just like any other wound, tattooed skin also starts to dry after a few hours. The moment your tattoo starts drying, you will see flakey skin. You don’t have to remove or prick those flakes. Instead, apply a mild lotion to your new tattoo to keep it moisturized. Pricking your flakes off can damage your tattoo beyond repair; I don’t think it’s worth it.

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8. Do not drink alcohol

No alcohol

You should avoid alcohol before and after getting a tattoo. Drinking before and after getting a tattoo is a big No-No. Alcohol simply thins your blood, which means excess bleeding. Excessive bleeding or thinning of blood can affect the quality of the design. Moreover, excess bleeding may also thin the ink, which will impact your tattoo’s overall look. So, avoid alcohol strictly for at least 24 hours after getting your tattoo.

9. Do not sunbathe, sweat, or swim

Sunbathing, sweating, and swimming should be strictly avoided when you have a new tattoo. All these can affect the quality of your tattoo. Newly etched tattoos tend to fade under harsh sunlight, or water, etc. Thus it is recommended to avoid all these when your tattoo is new. Do not indulge in any water sports or any other sport that can make your sweat. Avoid the gym or any other exercise that makes you sweat for at least 48 hours.

10. Do not use chemical-based lotions on your skin

Using chemical-based lotions and soaps should be strictly prohibited. Chemical-based lotions or ointments can affect your new tattoo adversely. Use only mild lotions and ointments on your skin. The idea is to keep your newly tattooed skin moisturized. Therefore, it is good to buy only chemical-free and good quality products for your tattoo.

11. Do not apply lotion with dirty hands

lotion on Hand

Whenever you apply lotion to your new tattooed skin, make sure you clean your hands thoroughly. Applying lotions with dirty hands can affect your tattoo, or it can even cause an infection. So, wash your hands and pat dry them before each application. It is imperative to take good care of your tattoo to have it look vibrant for a longer time.

12. Do not scratch your tattoo

The feeling of itching is normal with a new tattoo. Every now and then, you may feel itchy, make sure you do not scratch your tattoo. And if you find it difficult to control your feelings, simply apply some lotion, that’s all!

13. Do not overdo anything

Remember that overdoing anything will not fasten your healing process. Therefore, it is important that you are not overdoing anything. Let your tattoo heal on its own. Some people literally apply too much lotion, thinking that their tattoo will heal overnight, which is wrong. Applying excessive lotion will have adverse effects on your tattoo. It will just block the area, and your tattoo won’t be able to breathe at all. Yes, your newly tattooed skin needs to breathe. It is only possible when you will not overdo anything. Let your skin breathe.

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14. Do not be impatient

Last but not least, be patient! To be patient is vital while your tattoo is healing. Being impatient can affect your tattoo adversely. Many clients damage their tattoos because of their impatient nature, and later they regret it. Know that each person’s body responds to wounds differently. Your friend’s tattoo might have healed in four weeks, but not necessary that your tattoo will also take the same time. Your body and your friend’s body is different; you need to understand that. Becoming impatient is not the right way; it will only disturb you and nothing else.

Some clients literally become so impatient that they keep calling their artist to know when their tattoo will heal. I mean, it’s astounding that people don’t understand that these things take time and you need to give time some time. You cannot expect some magic, especially when it is about tattoo healing. Let your tattoo heal at its own pace; do not hurry. Just keep doing what your artist has asked you to do and nothing else. Getting impatient won’t let your tattoo heal faster; it will take its own sweet time.

Of course, you can contact your tattoo artist if you find some problem, like infection or something in it. Otherwise, there is no need to call and ask about things that are not in anybody’s hand.

So these are the 14 tattoo care first 48 hours tips for you all to follow. Believe it or not, the first 48 hours of your tattoo are really crucial. They decide how your tattoo will come out after it gets healed. People who miss taking care of their tattoo during the initial days regret it later. Often they end up having a faded or distorted tattoo. It is not wise to get a faded tattoo after going through so much pain and spending huge money. The best is to be mindful about your tattoo when it’s new. Once your tattoo is fully healed, you will not need to do anything about it. It will become part of your body. But at the initial stage, tattoo care is important and should not be avoided at all.