Video: Holly’s Triple Outer Cartilage Piercing – Up Close and Personal

Follow along as Holly gets a three part piercing on her outer ear cartilage. (Watch for the needle insertions at about 0:30, 0:55, and 1:13).

Our piercing professional, James from American Skin Art, first cleans the ear and marks three small dots where the piercings will go. He then has our piercing enthusiast double check in the mirror that the markings are aligned how and where she would like. He instructs her to take a deep breath, and pushes the hollow piercing needle through, corking the free end. Next, the jewelry is slid into place and secured, and the other two piercings are performed in the same fashion. Once all three are finished, there’s a final cleanup, and our newly modified friend is ready to go.

triple outer cartilage piercing

There are a variety of perforations that can be made in the cartilage of the human ear, and not all of them have a specific or distinct name. This type of triple piercing is often referred to as an “ear flat piercing,” “triple scapha piercing,” or “fossa piercing,” and can be performed in a variety of orientations. Multiple piercings of the ear cartilage in general are becoming more common amongst the modified generations.

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For some, the ear’s features won’t allow for certain piercings, and that’s where your piercing professional comes into play. With a thorough knowledge of the ear’s anatomy, they can often recommend alternate placements or styles, and angle such piercings correctly to allow for optimal healing.

For more up close videos of real piercings being performed, don’t forget to follow us on YouTube.