Frenulum Linguae (Tongue Web, Under Tongue, Marley) Piercing



This piercing is located where the connective under-layers (or the “webs” that distinguish the fenulum linguae from the rest of it all) that attach the tongue to the lower gum plate are found. The tongue web, which is what the frenulum linguae is more commonly referred to, is the part of our oral anatomy that allows us to speak, so some people believe that this piercing may influence or encourage those who have it to think more before speaking. The best part of all? This piercing is completely hidden (unless you’re intentionally showing it off), so it’s the perfect solution for piercing fanatics that aren’t allowed to have them visible for any reason.

this Body Candy fan wears a curved stainless steel barbell in her tongue web piercing!

While there is no specialized body jewelry for the tongue frenulum piercing developed for the market just yet, there are several options of general body jewelry types that are perfect for this location. The type of initial jewelry most often used for the tongue web piercing includes 16 gauge short (usually 6-8 millimeters in diameter or length) curved barbells (such as what you would find with eyebrow rings) or circular rings (such as with BCRs). Other options that people have been known to use include horseshoe circular barbells and curved barbell belly rings. Anything that is curved will suit this piercing a little better than body jewelry that is straight because of the natural curve of this area (though, remember: you and your body are unique, so trial and error is the best way to figure out the type of body jewelry that is right for your piercing).

Pro-Piercing Tip: If you’re thinking about getting your tongue frenulum pierced, then make sure you have enough going on under there to get it at all! Check with your local professional piercer to be sure that you have enough tissue present to make the tongue web piercing a possibility.


The tongue web piercing has a pretty short healing time of about 4 to 6 weeks total and is known to have a fairly easy process to heal. To clean this piercing, make sure to use a non-alcohol based mouthwash, such as that found in H2Ocean’s oral piercing aftercare products. Salt water rinses are beneficial as well! You’ll also want to be sure that you’re keeping your mouth as free as possible from food and other debris.

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another Body Candy fan sporting a curved barbell in her under tongue piercing!

And, yes, you’ll also want to avoid things like swimming, smoking, alcohol consumption, and sexual contact until your piercing is fully healed. Unfortunately, since this piercing has a tendency to be rejected (basically, it comes out) than typical tongue piercings by your body, most people who get this piercing end up only keeping it for a few years. To help to hinder this outcome, make sure you use body jewelry that is composed from lightweight and biocompatible materials such as flexible Bioplast.

Pro-Piercing Tip: If you’re a smoker and plan on getting your tongue web pierced, it is recommended that you use electronic cigarettes/vapes for the first few weeks after the initial piercing because the vapor is a lot less harmful to you and your healing piercing than the smoke from a tobacco cigarette.


So, last week, we published a request for followers to respond with their experiences with tongue web piercings on our Snapchat story. Here are a few of our helpful pals that offered to share their Marley piercing stories with us:

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One of our followers snapped us back with this: “…a great piercing to get if you want a piercing that is just for you. I got it because I could hide it for my job and because it was different. If you’re talking to someone taller than you, sometimes they can see it, but it’s definitely a conversation starter! Pain is a 4/10, I would say, and I hate pain!” Now, that’s some good news for all those afraid of that part! Our proudly pierced follower even went back after briefly retiring their piercing to get their web re-pierced, saying: “…missed it so much so I got it redone. That pain through scar tissue was an 8/10, haha.” What a trooper!

And as far as healing goes, one tongue web piercing expert had this to respond with: “The healing hurt worse than the actual piercing because underneath your tongue swells. It’s hard to eat for the next few days and it takes a few days to get used to it being there. A year later, I forget it’s even there now, but it’s still by far my favorite piercing.”

Still not sure about it? Another follower on our Snapchat replied with “My fave piercing and hardly anyone even knows I have it!” With all these reason to get your under tongue web pierced, what’s keeping you from doing it?! If you want it, go for it!

Hi Maggie, Depending on what you’re referring to, your partner probably won’t feel this piercing unless you make an effort to use the underside of your tongue during your time together.

Alley (Body Candy Team) on February 01, 2021

Hi. One of my friends pierced my tongue web piercing 2 days ago. Shes not experienced, although shes also pierced her own tongue. I haven´t had any problems with it so far and I don´t find it uncomfortable to eat or talk. The only thing I´m very worried about is my frenulum ripping, as I´ve heard that if that happens I´ll encounter difficulties when talking. How long can I go before it´s likely for this piercing to reject? And if it rejects, would it rip my frenulum/ web (i´m not sure what to call it) ? Please please let me know if you know the answer to this. I´d appreciate it massively.
Happy new year

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Alma on February 01, 2021
Can your partner feel the tongue web piercing?
Maggie on February 01, 2021

Hi Melissa! To answer your questions: 1.) I’m not a dental professional, but yes, that white build up is most likely calcium/tartar/plaque 2.) Any jewelry that you are comfortable with is a great fit for this piercing! If you need help inserting the jewelry or making sure its the right choice for you, ask your professional piercer.

Alley (Body Candy Team) on August 12, 2020

I LOVE my tongue web piercing!! I’ve had mine for 19 years and I’ve NEVER had an issue!! Over those 19 years there were a couple times where I took it out for a couple months and it did close. So I’ve had it re-pierced a couple times. But that was over 10 years ago. The only time I had an issue when I had a spiral ring in. It would effect my annunciation of some words. (I thought it was kinda funny back in the day)
I do have 2 questions. First, I have always had a white hard buildup form on my rings. I wasn’t sure if it was calcium or plaque or what it is??
Second, would you recommend a clicker ring? I’m questioning it bc of it’s a straight bar that’s going though the holes.