The Modern Modification Lifestyle: Random Acts of Kindness

celebrating RAK Day

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, a day to practice love and acceptance for your fellow man, and foster a sense of community amongst your neighbors, as well as the human race as a whole. Random Acts of Kindness (or RAK) are all too familiar to the modified community, with the pierced and tattooed generations masterminding a movement towards recognition of our global connectedness and our responsibilities towards eachother, and the planet.

practicing random acts of kindness

Some of the fun things you can do today to celebrate this awesome pseudo-holiday:

– Hold the door for everyone you see; little courtesies definitely add up.

– Send free e-cards to family members or coworkers who might be in need of a little extra cheer, telling them that they’re awesome and how their good work and support has effected you positively.

– Leave a great tip (and maybe a sticker or a smiley face?) for your tattoo artist, waitress, hairdresser, or whoever!

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– Try finding something that you genuinely like about everyone you interact with, and be sure to tell them. Whether it’s their smile, eloquence, or just the sweet new boots they’re wearing, they’ll appreciate it.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, keeping up with the RAK all year long is a great way to support the movement, even it only means wearing jewelry or t-shirts with relevant motifs.

personalizable silicone bracelets

What random acts of kindness have you been a part of? Let us know in the comments below.