The Do’s and Don’ts of Piercing Anxiety

Congratulations! You did it! You got that piercing you’ve been dreaming about,and it looks great,but it’s got to heal properly if you want it to stand the test of time. Whether this is your first piercing, your fifth, or even your fifteenth, it can be stressful to wait for your piercing to heal. To make sure that anxiety and stress don’t affect your new piercing, follow the tips and advice listed below to help achieve a perfectly healed piercing.

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It’s Easy to Let Your Anxiety Get the Best of You

One of the hardest parts about getting a new piercing is the anxiety that comes with getting a new piercing and letting it heal properly. Anxiety afteryour piercing can leave you feeling unhappy, uncomfortable, and can even affect how your piercing heals. To manage the anxiety of having a new piercing make sure and do your research. Learn everything you can about the location of your next piercing and about the jewelry that you’ll need to accommodate it.

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Listed below are a few common tips to follow in the days after you get your piercing. Infections, pain at your piercing site, and even rejection can be the result of a piercing that isn’t cared for properly. If you follow these common care steps below you can breathe easy as you will be less likely to experience problems with your new piercing.


  • Use the aftercare product that is recommended by your piercer
  • Follow your piercer’s instructions for how frequently to wash your new piercing
  • Take a multivitamin, stay hydrated, and get lots of rest
  • Make sure your clothing and bedding are clean when they touch your new piercing
  • Ask lots of questions during your piercing
  • Know how your jewelry works so that when it is time to change it you do so properly


  • Touch your piercing any more than you must for cleanings
  • Wear close, tight clothes over your new piercing that could snag or irritate the area
  • Allow makeup, lotions, or other health and beauty products to get into your piercing
  • Allow dirt or germs into the area. Be mindful of activities in the days and weeks after your piercing
  • Remove the piercing jewelry before your piercer advises you to or before your next appointment
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Ask Questions

It’s common to have questions about your new piercing before, during, and after the piercing process. The best person to answer those questions is your trusted, experienced piercer who can give you the information you need to care for your new piercing properly and to avoid any
unnecessary anxiety about how to heal your piercing. Keep your piercer’s number handy in the days after your piercing so that if you have a sudden question or concern, you know you can reach out quickly.

Pay Attention!

While your piercer is the number one person who can answer your questions and address your concerns, there is another expert involved in the process who knows when something is right or wrong, and that’s you. No one knows your body better than you do, so if you see something concerning when it comes to your new piercing, trust your instincts. Remember, it’s normal to have some minor bleeding, bruising, swelling, and itchiness. If these are manageable symptoms described by your piercer there is likely nothing to be anxious about.

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Trust Your Instincts

if you think you are experiencing a problem with your new piercing, take a deep breath, and then assess the area. Is it more painful than your piercer advised you it would be? Is the swelling accompanied by itching?Is theswelling affecting the position of the piercing?

You are the best person to answer those questions. If you see something that you’re worried about, callyour piercerand ask questions. Stop in for a follow up visitor reach out to a medical professional. Remember, nobody knows your body better than you!