The Body Jewelry Survival Guide: School Daze

modified student survival guide

Braving the pitfalls of high school can be even harder than usual if you’re a member of the modified community, but it doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience. Just check out these solutions for everyday piercing problems:


If you attend private school or a religious learning institution, chances are your piercings are bit of a dress code no-no. Rather than letting your favorite piercings close up though, you might be able to get away with a retainer. Every school is different, but most of the time clear retainers are a low profile solution that’s agreeable to both parties. You get to keep your piercings, and the school doesn’t have to see them. Perfect, right?

body piercing retainer jewelry


High school or college may have caused you to adapt to dorm living, but what happens when your body jewelry has a little mishap? To avoid any issues (say with body jewelry balls and bathroom drains), having back-up parts on hand is the best way to insure yourself. Bonus packs are a great option in this case, because both the barbell and several extra balls are arranged in the same easy package for a really reasonable price.

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Daily Care

If you feel like you’re constantly running around between your studies, after school job, and social commitments, you definitely aren’t alone. But sometimes in all the chaos, cleanings get skipped or forgotten, and piercings can become slightly irritated, especially those that aren’t healed yet. To make sure your mods are all properly taken care of, pre-mixed aftercare is an absolute life saver. Just a quick slosh or spray, and you’re ready to continue with a busy day.