Spring Has Sprung: Warm Weather and Gentle Breezes

Here in the city that houses the BodyCandy HQ, we have never, ever been so happy to know that spring is coming. It’s been a brutal winter with record-breaking cold and wind chill, and we’re ready to give all that nonsense a good kick in the butt. As a result, we’re more than a little bit ready to celebrate the season associated with birth and renewal.

Blowing Winter Away

The vernal equinox officially arrives in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20, 2015, at 6:45 PM EDT. While the word “equinox” translates to “equal night” and “vernal” means “spring,” this is supposed to mean the entire world experiences day and night for roughly the same length of time. (Science does add that because of the size of the sun and how the Earth’s atmosphere reflects sunlight, some points on the planet never experience a true equinox. Sadness).

But getting back to the happy talk: spring! While it seems like all we’ve been doing since about November is dreaming of spring and all it entails, now we can revel in the fact that it’s arrived. And no one can deny that some of the most beloved indicators of spring are flowers – posies in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

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Crocus and Butterfly

There’s actually lots of folklore connected to spring, and one of the sayings having to do with flowers is “Don’t say that spring has come until you can put your foot on nine daisies.” If stepping on them seems a little mean, why not cheat a little and adorn yourself with these pretty white blossoms anywhere you see fit?


This leads almost seamlessly – thanks to a quote from R.H. Heinlein – to another sure sign of spring: the butterfly. Even though Mr. Heinlein’s wheelhouse was science fiction, he realized that in all actuality “Butterflies are self propelled flowers.” And BodyCandy fans sure do love their self propelled flowers.

Dog Butterfly

This guy’s a fan, too.

But spring doesn’t have to mean just flowers and butterflies. For many, dreaming of beach vacations and all kinds of other warm-weather activities are a natural next step. So dream away, everyone. Just don’t forget to take time to smell those flowers along the way because as much as we love spring, it’s usually here and gone in the blink of an eye. A very happy equinox to one and all!

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