Somehwere Over the Rainbow: Piercings and Pride

The month of June is National LGBT Pride Month in the United States, and to celebrate, we’re rolling out the rainbow carpet and decking it out in style. So here it comes, your fashion fix of the ultimate pride jewelry and the most raging rainbow accessories.

Ever since 1969, the month of June has been chosen to commemorate the famous Stonewall riots, a defining moment that marked the beginning of the LGBT Rights Movement. In the year 2000, president Bill Clinton even officially declared June “Pride Month,” and current president Barack Obama has echoed Clinton’s sentiment every year during the course of his term as commander and chief.

Obama has also instituted a yearly Pride Month reception at the White House, which is slated to be held on June 15th this year. This is just one national event among many, including several citywide parades, marches, parties, educational forums, and general community activities open to persons from all walks of life.

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Although there are still accomplishments left to be realized, great strides in the equal rights movement have been made within the past calendar year alone, and many celebrities have openly showed their support, including singer and performance artist Lady Gaga. One of the most widely used sentiments of support is the wearing of items of clothing, jewelry, and accessories bearing rainbow coloring and symbols of peace, strength, and coexistence.