Savings Saturday: Natural Stone Ear Plugs

In love with the monochrome look? Also a fan of natural materials? Then you’re definitely in luck, because some of our favorite new large gauge ear jewelry is available right now at wickedly thrifty prices

Delmation Jasper Plugs

These are made of Jasper, a natural semi-precious stone, and with a neutral base color and fun black spots, they’re the perfect low key accessory. In alternative healing, Jasper is believed to give an instant mood lift by helping us release our negativity and fostering a live in the moment attitude.

Looking for something a little bit darker? No problem.

Obsidian Snowflake Plugs

Snowflake obsidian is a crystallized or stone form of volcanic glass, and perfect to accommodate a darker aesthetic as it’s black in color like regular obsidian, but contains light colored mineral patches that look like falling snowflakes. According to spiritualists, obsidian can help ward off negative energy or thoughts and give perspective on our inner nature, revealing and nurturing our better qualities.

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