Popular Modification: It’s All in the Hip Piercings

surface piercing of the hips

There is magic enveloped in those hips: the movement, the power, and the beauty hold no limits. Hips create the seductively sexy sway of a woman. It is no wonder that contemporary hip piercings have quickly been gaining popularity among body modification enthusiasts worldwide. Although more popular in females, this beautiful modification can be worn by men as well. Hip piercings are surface piercings that are situated in the pelvic area near the hip bone. It is common to get symmetrical hip piercings on both sides. They are a unique fashion in surface piercing and a very flirty addition to your body modification collection. Belly button piercings and pelvic tattoos look amazing when combined with hip piercings.

When deciding if you want to get your hips pierced, it is best to look at your piercer’s healed surface bar and micro dermal piercing portfolio. If your piercer does not have any healed photos of these piercings you may want to consider finding someone who does. Surface bars and microdermal implants are both relatively new ways to pierce the flesh so it is extra important to make sure your piercer knows what they are doing, and can prove it. Before you go under the needle it is essential to have the piercer explain the procedure and make sure all of the tools used are sterile.

Surface piercings are piercings that are situated where there is no fold or protrusion of skin in which to place them. These piercings are placed on the exterior plane of the skin and do not penetrate deeper like other piercings. You must consider the different options for obtaining your new piercing, as hip piercings can be done properly with either surface bars or micro dermal implants. There are pros and cons to each method, and depending on your piercer and your anatomy one may be better suited for you than the other.

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Microdermal implants are single point piercings where a tiny anchor is inserted into an L shaped opening that is formed in the tissue. This method causes less trauma to the skin than surface bars, and has a clean look. The entry and exit area of the piercing is done with a hollow piercing needle or dermal punch. A dermal punch is a small cylindrical blade that removes an area of tissue for the new implant jewelry to be placed. Microdermals have a lower rejection rate than surface bars, but are easier to get caught on things. Simple gem dermal tops always look classy, but they also come in all shapes, colors, and sizes. The possibilities are endless. You will need 4 separate micro dermal piercings, two on each side, to achieve the desired look.

Microdermal Jewelry

Your other jewelry option for this piercing is surface barbells. Surface barbells must be ordered from your piercer because the size is so specific to your anatomy and piercing. They are staple shaped, the bar resting under your skin with the two tops protruding. This type of jewelry is normally surgical steel, with two 90 degree angles, but can be shaped in various ways to better fit the actual piercing. Tygon jewelry, a type of plastic that reduces stress on the piercing, is also very popular for surface bars. Longer bars are recommended to help reduce the risk of rejection. You will need one surface bar on each hip to achieve the desired look.

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For placement, the closer it is to your actual hip the more friction will occur. Your best bet is to get them higher up than the band of your highest pants. Your professional piercer will choose the safest location for you; each body is different. Usually the final location is in line with your hip but a little higher on your stomach towards your belly button (just above the actual hips).

The procedure takes only a few minutes. The person getting pierced must lay or recline on the piercing table. Then the piercer cleans and marks the spot, gets final approval, pinches the skin (no clamps necessary), and the rest is history. Depending on your piercer and chosen method, the hole is punctured with a dermal punch, Punch and taper process, or a hollow piercing needle. A surface barbell or dermal anchor is set beneath the skin’s surface. The top posts of the jewelry protrude from the skin, and then the balls or adornments are screwed in and sit on the surface of the skin. There should be very little pain when done properly.

Hip piercings can take 6-8 weeks (or more) to heal. As with any brand new body modification, tenderness and redness may occur. Your piercer will also provide you with a detailed cleaning and care regiment for your new body art. Proper aftercare is essential due to the risk of infection involved. Some guidelines include but are not limited to: never play with a new piercing, keep out of contact with lotions or other things that may get in your new piercing, and do not attempt to change jewelry before it is healed.

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As is the plight of many surface piercings, hip piercings can be rejected by the body. Sadly, no matter how well you were pierced, and how skilled your piercer is, some people cannot keep a lasting hip piercing for more than a few months. As the body heals, it moves the jewelry to the foremost surface of the skin, but you can always get them pierced again. It is not recommended to leave any surface piercing in after the first signs of rejection. This can cause further problems, including scarring. In order to determine what your chances of rejection are with this style of body modification, a consultation with your experienced professional piercer will be necessary.

Hip piercings are hip for more reasons than one. The obvious reason is the physical placement and the other basis is the extreme popularity among the “hip” modified youth culture. Hip piercings now fill some of the most popular piercing photos floating around on Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, and the other social photo sharing sites. Do you love this body modification trend? Are you considering getting your hips pierced? Do you have hip piercings already? Share your story with us in the comment section below!