Can I Use Vaseline On A New Tattoo?

Vaseline On A New Tattoo

More often than not, new tattoo owners, especially first-timers, have a lot of concerns related to their new tattoos. And one of their major concerns includes whether or not they can use Vaseline on a new tattoo.

So, if you also have this concern, read this post.

In this post, we shall discuss everything about the usage of Vaseline on a new tattoo.

So, let’s get started…

Let’s first understand what tattooing is and how does it impact your skin?

Tattooing is the process of creating body artwork by introducing ink, dyes, and/or pigments into the dermis layer of the skin. Tattoos can be permanent or temporary based on the type of ink, dye, or pigment that is used. Tattooing is the term used to refer to the art of creating tattoos.

There are three main types of tattoos: purely ornamental (which do not have any specific meaning), symbolic (which has a meaning that is specific to the bearer), and pictorial. Simply decorative tattoos do not have any special significance.

In addition, tattoos can be utilized for the purpose of identification or association with a special group or community. Whatever be the reason, getting a tattoo requires making a real cut in your skin during the process.

All in all, a freshly etched tattoo is nothing but a wound. So, it becomes crucial for the wearer to take good care of his/her new tattoo. In order for fresh tattoo wounds to heal effectively, they need to be kept dry and exposed to air.

That’s why professional tattoo artists always guide their clients about tattoo aftercare. Incorrect aftercare for a tattoo can result in a wide variety of complications for the new ink. There is a possibility that the actual tattoo will become distorted, with some of the coloring seeming faded.

Aside from that, scarring can occur around a tattoo if the wound is not given the opportunity to heal properly. Also, you even run the risk of contracting infections, which can ruin the appearance of your tattoo as well as cause a host of other potential health problems. That’s why it’s crucial to pay attention to the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist and religiously follow them.

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Let’s now move to the concern of whether or not you can use Vaseline on a new tattoo.

Can I use Vaseline on a Newly Etched Tattoo?

Despite widespread perception, aftercare for tattoos does not involve the application of Vaseline or petroleum jelly. Believe it or not, this widely popular substance can be really detrimental to newly inked skin rather than beneficial.

Products made from petroleum jelly, such as Vaseline, are effective because they prevent moisture loss from the skin. These products are most helpful for addressing issues associated with excessively dry skin, particularly those that are seasonal.

Vaseline, on the other hand, is not recommended for use with tattoos. This is because retaining moisture prevents your new tattoo wound from receiving air, which is not good for a freshly etched tattoo. It is because the movement of air over an injury speeds up the healing process.

If you apply Vaseline to new tattoo wounds, you could actually make yourself more susceptible to infections. Your tattoo may develop swelling and pus because of no movement of air during the healing process.

Once your tattoo starts to develop an infection, it needs to be treated as soon as possible. If not addressed on time, scar tissue might develop on your newly etched tattoo, which will destroy your newly acquired tattoo. Therefore, it is critical to avoid applying Vaseline to your freshly etched tattoo.

Top 10 Tattoo Aftercare Tips

Here are our top 10 tattoo aftercare tips that you must follow to avoid any tattoo infection:

1. Take tattoo aftercare seriously

First things first, while having a tattoo, it is absolutely necessary for you to also educate yourself on how to properly care for your tattoo so that you can entirely eliminate the possibility of acquiring a tattoo infection.

A professional artist will always guide you on tattoo aftercare. You must take all his advice seriously. Some of them will even provide you with an ointment that you may apply directly to your tattoo.

If you do not properly care for your tattoo, you run the risk of developing a wide variety of skin problems, including rashes, redness, pus, etc.

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If you are familiar with the aftercare protocols beforehand, you will be able to recognize the signs of possible tattoo infection and take the necessary precautions.

2. Don’t remove the bandage

Bandage on new tattoo

This is crucial. You must keep your freshly etched tattoo covered for the first few hours. Your tattoo artist will provide you with further instructions in this regard.

After you have returned home, you should wait a few hours before removing the bandage or wrapping from the tattooed region. This will allow the skin to heal properly and allow it to breathe.

3. Refrain from using an excessive amount of water and soap

Be extremely careful not to get any water or soap on the new tattoo for the first few days. A warm washcloth is usually a good option for washing your tattoo for the first few days.

It is not a good idea to overdo anything or over-clean your newly etched tattoo. Doing so will impact your artwork adversely. It can even lead to the fading of your new tattoo.

4. Protect your new tattoo from harmful UV rays

Protect your new tattoo from harmful UV rays

You must stay out of the direct light of the sun as much as possible. Of course, it’s not easy to remain sedentary for long periods of time.

However, anytime you walk outside, you should make sure that your tattoo is appropriately covered so that it is not directly exposed to the sun.

5. Ensure that the region is continually clean and well-moisturized

It is of the utmost importance that you always keep the tattooed region clean and moist. Doing so will help it heal properly. Your tattoo will take too long to heal if you do not follow these instructions.

Understand that for your skin to readjust to the ink; it requires moisture for the stretch marks to settle in the correct place.

At first, you will notice that the skin around the tattoo is raised. This usually makes it look like a tattoo was branded into your skin.

However, this is not the case; it is normal for the first few days. An ordinary swelling is perfectly typical, given that it is brought on by the ink that is present in the deeper layers of the skin.

6. Stay away from chlorinated and saltwater

Tattoo aftercare

It is best to avoid getting chlorine or salt water on your tattoo because it can cause considerable harm to the ink. Saltwater can also irritate your skin.

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7. Avoid touching or picking skin

We have a propensity to forget things very quickly. And this happens rather frequently in the case of tattoos.

People, after taking a bath, forget they have a tattoo, and they start scratching the region recklessly, which is not wise. You should constantly keep in mind that rubbing your tattoo too roughly will cause it to become damaged.

8. Refrain from scratching

It is typical for a person to experience itchy skin after getting a tattoo. This happens to practically everyone. We are aware that it is not simple to fight off that sensation.

However, you must refrain from scratching your tattoo. Scratching your tattoo can cause the artwork to become deformed, which will be visible on your body. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain your skin hydrated continually.

9. Refrain from utilizing aftercare products containing chemicals or alcohol

Tattoo aftercare vaseline

The market is swamped with a wide variety of tattoo aftercare lotions and ointments that are derived from alcohol.

During the first 4-6 weeks, you should avoid using any products that contain alcohol. Alcohol or chemical-based tattoo aftercare products can be damaging. They can simply make your newly etched tattoo become faded or look unappealing.

10. Follow tattoo aftercare procedure religiously

No matter how busy you are. It is crucial to follow the aftercare procedure religiously. Also, it is crucial to invest in good-quality tattoo aftercare products. Using good-quality products will help in tattoo healing.

Also, they will make your tattoo look vibrant and appealing at all times.

Putting It All Together…

So, we conclude our post here. We hope that we could successfully answer your question and could help you know how Vaseline can negatively impact your tattoo. Make sure you don’t apply petroleum jelly or Vaseline on a new tattoo.

The use of petroleum jelly during the healing process of a tattoo can trap moisture and germs, which can result in infections and scarring if the tattoo does not receive adequate ventilation. If your skin is dry, perhaps applying Vaseline to your old tattoos may be a good idea.

Also, if you notice any sign of infection on your newly etched tattoo, talk to your tattoo artist or dermatologist immediately. Ignoring any infection can be damaging to your new tattoo and your skin as well. If your tattoo is infected, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Happy Tattooing… ☺ ☺