Genital Piercing FAQ

Many clients I meet are interested or curious about getting genital work done. But many have no idea where to start in learning about these piercings, knowing the risks, or deciding which one works for them. This article is the start of a series which will eventually break down each genital piercing offered. But today, I want to review the most frequently asked questions, and some good general information before taking the plunge on these piercings!

When considering getting any kind of genital piercing, there are a few good overall considerations to have in mind. Are you looking for something functional? What kind of function are you desiring? What stimulation do you prefer? What kind of sex do you have? How do you masturbate? Would you prefer something that’s just decorative? Is this more for you or for a partner? Do you want to stretch your piercing in the future? Ideally, what would this piercing do for you? Take your time to think over these things, or discuss them with a partner. It’s also important to remember that every vulva and penis is very unique in shape and size, and not everyone has the right anatomy for every piercing. There are some that most anatomy can get, and some that few can. Take a look at photos on the site, and don’t hesitate to get a consult with a skilled piercer who can assess your anatomy and let you know what piercings you can get. Once you have a good idea of what you are hoping to get from a piercing, you can read through my site to get an idea of what piercing might fit your needs and desires best. Check out my genital specific aftercare to get an idea of what healing and care will be like. You can also search online for more photos or testimonials. And I always encourage clients to come in for a consult if they’d like- I am happy to discuss anatomy, function, and lifestyle with you, and your partner, and work with you to find the best piercing for your needs.

FAQ (Vulva)

Will this hurt? Can you numb me? Honestly, genital piercings, particularly for vulvas, are much more intimidating then they are actually painful. This is generally a very thin skinned area with great blood flow that heals fast. The most common piercings we do- the vertical and horizontal hood, actually go through much less tissue then an earlobe or navel! A triangle goes through more tissue and can be more intense, but the payoff is often more then worth it. A Christina or outer labia go through a lot of skin, and thus can take much longer to heal and require more work. We can’t numb you here for a piercing, as we are not trained anesthesiologists (it’s a little above our pay grade), and I have an article here explaining why it’s not safe.

How should I prepare for a genital piercing? The same as most other piercings- get a good nights rest the day before. Eat a light meal before coming in. Make sure you are hydrated. Please try to avoid consuming blood thinners before a piercing (including alcohol). If you’d like to bring a partner or friend for support they are welcome in the room with you, covid policy permitting. Wear comfortable underwear and pants that are not too tight or too loose. You can also feel free to bring a clean pad or panty liner to put in your underwear, as most of these piercings do bleed.

Do I need to shave before getting pierced? No, having hair won’t effect our ability to mark and pierce you for these. That said you may find christina and outer labia piercings more comfortable without hair for the initial healing (hair getting caught in the jewelry or in the discharge is uncomfortable). You may continue to shave after being pierced, just avoid any shaving cream or product in or around the piercing, particularly during the first few weeks. If you prefer to go natural, that’s perfectly ok too!

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Can I get a piercing if I am on my period? Yes- we understand and respect this is a natural part of having a vulva- we are all adults here! That said it’s important to remember that you may be more prone to bleeding/light headedness/dizziness when you are, so please ensure to eat a good meal before hand and drink plenty of water. Also be mindful of keeping up with changing pads or tampons regularly (if you wear them) for hygiene.

What size jewelry will we start with? Why is it so thick? We will check your anatomy to determine the proper length or diameter jewelry for your anatomy. These piercings do have minimum initial sizes for stability. Genital piercings are subject to a little more trauma and friction then other piercings, and for this reason start at a 12-10g minimum or larger to be stable. Consider this analogy- a heavy shopping bag with thin straps hurts, it cuts at your hands when you lift it. A heavy shopping bag with thick straps is more comfortable, and the weight and pressure is distributed evenly. Likewise, certain piercings fair better and are more stable at a larger size, that better distributes pressure and handles friction or aggravation.

Is it true you can loose sensation from these piercings? When done correctly, no. The majority of genital piercings do not pass through any sensitive nerve bundles that can cause long term damage like that. Many people may feel increased sensitivity for the first few days or weeks, but should return to usual over time. That said these are very advanced piercings that do pass very close to important nerve bundles- so choose your piercer with care! We encourage folks to look for portfolios featuring both fresh and healed work, and to meet the piercer and check out the studio before trusting them with your body!

What piercing feels the best/gives the best sensation? Well, that depends almost entirely on you! What kind of sensations do you prefer- do you enjoy clitoral stimulation, or can that be too intense for you? Do you want something more decorative, or more functional? What kind of sex do you prefer? These piercings are going to be as unique and individual as you are. Beyond that, it’s important to remember no two vulva are the same- you may lack the anatomy for the piercing you thought you wanted, or be suited for something you didn’t think you could get! In general, the Vertical Hood is one of the most popular, and provides mild to moderate direct clitoral stimulation with the right jewelry, and is also easy to heal and has very attractive jewelry choices. The Horizontal hood less so, but with the right anatomy feels great. A triangle provides the most stimulation and function as it passes behind a portion of the clitoris otherwise unreachable, but few have the right shape for this piercing. A christina is purely decorative but very beautiful to the eye. Inner and Outer labia can provide unique sensations, particularly when heavier jewelry is worn. For urethral stimulation there’s the princess albertina. That being said genital piercings are not magic, and will not magically make sex amazing. Read some of my honest overall takes on these piercings here

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How long before I can have sex/masturbate with my piercing? Generally I advice you to listen to your body. Once the initial trauma is over (no more bleeding) which can take from a few days to a week or longer, it’s up to you. A good rule of thumb is that if it hurts, or is sore or sensitive, wait. If whatever you are doing hurts the piercing, perhaps wait a few days to a week before trying that again. For the full length of your healing time always ensure any activity is hygienic. Always use protection where any fluids are involved- this includes oral. And even with a monogamous partner! We all have unique individual bacteria, and we want to prevent this from coming in contact with our piercings. Condoms and dental dams are essential for healing. Always handle your piercings with clean hands as well. We also strongly suggest using water based lubricant over silicone based. Silicone lubricant can irritate the healing piercing. The brands Sliquid and KY both offer great water-based alternatives.

Will I set off a detector at the airport? No- implant grade titanium is not magnetic and won’t cause any issue with a metal detector. It may be visible on the body scanner but TSA agents see people fly all the time with hidden piercings, and they shouldn’t flag you for it.

FAQ (Penis)

Will a genital piercing hurt? And can you numb me? Generally these are much more intimidating then painful- after all this is a sensitive area to be considering getting a piercing. Some of these are actually easier and traverse less tissue then even an earlobe or navel piercing, others such as the apadravya or ampallang can be quite a bit more intense, but the pain shouldn’t hold you back from getting the piercing that’s right for you. If a piercing uses a receiving tube, the sensation of the tube may be uncomfortable. If you have experience with sounding, it’s usually very easy. We can’t numb you here for a piercing, as we are not trained anesthesiologists (it’s a little above our pay grade), and I have an entire article about the risks of numbing here

How should I prepare for a genital piercing? The same as most other piercings- get a good nights rest the day before. Eat a light meal before coming in. Make sure you are hydrated. Please try to avoid consuming blood thinners before a piercing (including alcohol). If you’d like to bring a partner or friend for support they are welcome in the room with you. Wear comfortable underwear and pants that are not too tight or too loose.

Do I need to shave? No, we can easily work around the hair to do your piercing. That said, piercings on the scrotum and guiche piercings can be easier to heal and keep clean for clients without hair in the area.

What size jewelry will we start with? Why is it so thick? We will check your anatomy to determine the proper length or diameter jewelry for your anatomy. These piercings do have minimum initial sizes for stability. Genital piercings are subject to a little more trauma and friction then other piercings, and for this reason start at a 10g minimum or larger to be stable. Consider this analogy- a heavy shopping bag with thin straps hurts, it cuts at your hands when you lift it. A heavy shopping bag with thick straps is more comfortable, and the weight and pressure is distributed evenly. Likewise, certain piercings fair better and are more stable at a larger size, that better distributes pressure and handles friction or aggravation.

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Will I have to get an erection to be pierced? No, your piercer can determine the size and style jewelry you need without being erect.

What piercing gives the best sensation? That entirely depends on the sensation you are after! The Guiche can give external prostate stimulation, particularly when combined with weight. Scrotum piercings are mostly decorative, but with the right jewelry can add some effect. The PA is great for utheral stimulation. Frenum piercings stimulate the sensitive underside of the shaft, and often can be placed along the length for where you desire it most. Ampallang and Apadravya give different sensations altogether, and pubic piercings give almost none.

What piercing will my partner like best? Well, that’s going to depend on your partner! Everyone likes different sensations and has different sex, it’s important to remember that a piercing that feels amazing for one person might feel uncomfortable for the next. For vaginal sex the apadravya and PA are great for G-spot stimulation, while many find the ampallang uncomfortable during. The pubic piercing can provide clitoral stimulation, however where its positioned to be the most effective is also often where it is the hardest to heal. For anal sex, the PA, reverse PA, and apadravya can all provide prostate stimulation. Beyond that you’ll have to experiment! Talk with your partner about what you are both desiring from this piercing and choose what works best. Also remember genital piercings are not magical, and they don’t magically make sex amazing. Read some of my honest takes about these piercings here

How long before I can have sex/masturbate with my piercing? Generally we advice you to listen to your body. Once the initial trauma is over (no more bleeding) which can take from a few days to a week or longer, it’s up to you. A good rule of thumb is that if it hurts, or is sore or sensitive, wait. If whatever you are doing hurts the piercing, perhaps wait a few days to a week before trying that again. For the full length of your healing time always ensure any activity is hygienic. Always use protection where any fluids are involved- this includes oral. And even with a monogamous partner! We all have unique individual bacteria, and we want to prevent this from coming in contact with our piercings. Condoms and dental dams are essential for healing. Always handle your piercings with clean hands as well.

Will my piercing break a condom? Currently there are no stats or evidence that having a genital piercing makes you any more or less likely to break a condom.

With a PA, Apadravya, or Ampallang will I have to sit down to urinate? It’s possible. With initial swelling it’s usually not an issue but once healed you may find you need to adjust. The larger you stretch the piercing, the more you will have to practice.

Will I set off a detector at the airport? No- implant grade titanium is not magnetic and won’t cause any issue with a metal detector. It may be visible on the body scanner but TSA agents see people fly all the time with hidden piercings, and they shouldn’t flag you for it.