Jewelry Fashion Fix: Celebrating Our Coexistence

coexist themes for Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day, and in honor of the esteemed civil rights activist and gifted orator, we’re breaking out some jewelry goodies that support the dream of equality, the belief in unity, and the ideal of a peaceful global coexistence.

Practicing random acts of kindness is a great way to celebrate the legacy of Doctor King, and showing your support outwardly for unity and the power of belief is another good way to go. The beauty of the dream that began with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. can be a constant reminder to strive for the betterment of our own lives and the lives of others.

body jewelry with the believe motif

The coexist symbol is based on another motif that ties in perfectly to the themes of equality, tolerance, and brotherhood adherent to the civil rights movement. The seamless combination of a number of religious and heritage symbols exemplifies the concept of world peace, while the word itself denotes a realization of our interconnectedness as a species, regardless of gender, race, or beliefs.

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body jewelry featuring the coexist symbol

Today we celebrate the life of a remarkable man, and the strong continuation of his ideals now, and into the future. Happy Martin Luther King Day!