Surface Piercings: What You Should Know Before Digging Deep

Surface Piercings: What You Should Know Before Digging Deep What is a surface Piercing? Well, a surface piercing is any piercing that follows the plane of the skin rather than piercing through it; essentially any piercing on the skin’s surface rather than through the skin from one side of the body to another, hence the term “surface piercing.” By general definition, some common piercings are considered by many professionals to fall under this category, like certain navel piercings and eyebrow piercings. Also in the surface piercing grouping are piercings of the nape of the neck, clavicle, cheek or “anti-eyebrow,” wrists […]

Sweet September Jewelry: Celebrating National Honey Month in Style

Sweet September Jewelry: Celebrating National Honey Month in Style The month of September is National Honey Month, and there’s never been a better time to celebrate. Our friend the honey bee is responsible for not only providing this tasty treat, but also for pollinating up to eighty percent of the plants in any given region. This includes flowers, fruit trees, and several agricultural crops that literally feed the nation. Even honey itself comes in over three hundred varieties, from the more popular clover and orange blossom, to those laced with commercial posy pollen and herbs. Honey is a natural, organic […]

Sweet Cheeks: Cheek Ladder and Journey Piercings

Sweet Cheeks: Cheek Ladder and Journey Piercings A cheek ladder or journey is a grouping of piercings that are generally placed diagonally across the cheek (vertical and horizontal variations have also been documented). This can be done on one or both sides. With this grouping of piercings the adornments in the jewelry are generally graduated, the smallest gems being closer to the ear and the largest being closer to the mouth. Either a series of barbells are pierced through the cheek or a series of microdermal implants are placed on the surface of the cheek. The adornments on the microdermal […]

Sweet Summer Mods: Tragus and Anti-tragus Ear Cartilage Piercings

Sweet Summer Mods: Tragus and Anti-tragus Ear Cartilage Piercings The tragus piercing is on my own personal bucket list of things that I want to get done this year. It is subtle, stylish, girly, and looks fabulous with elegantly petite jewelry. The tragus is that small nub of protruding cartilage that starts at the face and extends over the ear canal. You can wear barbells, studs, or small hoops in this beautiful little piercing, which is a wonderful addition to your style. It’s contemporary, and generally acceptable in the workplace due to its subtle placement. Vibrant gems make any tragus […]

Take Yourself to the Ball Game with Licensed MLB Jewelry!

Take Yourself to the Ball Game with Licensed MLB Jewelry! Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks! It’s that time of the year: the start of the regular baseball season for Major League Baseball. After a great opening night on Sunday, we have a lot to look forward to. Thirty teams from the U.S. and Canada will pitch, swing, and run for the winning title in the World Series…but we’ve still got a whole season to watch play out before that! Want something to show off your support for your sport? We have officially licensed MLB body jewelry featuring logos from […]

That Celebrity Pierced What?

That Celebrity Pierced What? When it comes to a celebrity getting pierced, much more than just the look gets taken into account. For someone who’s job is singing or acting, you have to be very careful about what you choose to pierce and how it will affect both your image, and your ability to perform. The key trend seems to be simplicity; no matter what is pierced it’s rare to see someone who has more than one or maybe two piercings on or around their face. Keeping your look clean while still maintaining the edge and uniqueness of a piercing […]

Team Body Candy Gets Physical: Hockey is About Pride and Passion

Team Body Candy Gets Physical: Hockey is About Pride and Passion “I’ve met so many new people and made a ton of new friends based on the game alone. One thing I love about the game is that you can be battling on the ice, even fighting. Then when the game is over, it is over and we all hang around and enjoy a cold beer together, it’s a lifestyle.”- Ernie Lowerre, BodyCandy team captain The motto of the annual Buffalo Powder Keg Festival is “In Buffalo, we don’t fear winter. we revel in it.” Winter in Buffalo, New York […]

Tattoo Tips: How to Keep Temporary Totally Original

Tattoo Tips: How to Keep Temporary Totally Original Temporary tattoo art is amazing, fun, and well, temporary, but sometimes it can be hard to rock a temporary tattoo without feeling like your art is the same old thing. Well kiss those body art blahs goodbye, because we’re going to show you how to spice up your stick-ons for a one of a kind look that’ll make everyone who sees them say, “Wow. Where did you get that awesome tattoo?” 1. Use Chinese calligraphy as a jumping off point You may have seen dozens of tattoos that show off some major […]

What is the APP?

What is the APP? We talk a great deal about the importance of the APP but have never discussed the APP itself. Let’s take a brief moment and discuss this vitally important group and how they help keep both piercers and the pierced safe and using up-to-date procedures! The Association of Professional Piercers was founded in 1994. While based in California, they are an international organization. Their mission statement says that they are “dedicated to the dissemination of vital health and safety information about body piercing to piercers, health care professionals, legislators, and the general public. ” That is a […]

That Celebrity Pierced What: Popular and Wacky Celebrity Piercings

That Celebrity Pierced What. Popular and Wacky Celebrity Piercings Celebrity status is often associated with appearance. Paparazzi constantly snap pictures of stars, giving the media and the rest of us something to talk about. The way they look and what they do portrays a message about who they are. Many celebrities choose some form of expression, just like the rest of us “normal” people. However, we aren’t in the spot light every minute of every day. Hollywood stars choose to express themselves with their clothes, hair styles, tattoos or even piercings! Piercing is a permanent and awesome form of expression. […]