Can I get a tattoo when I am sick?

Can I Get A Tattoo When I Am Sick

Imagine if you have chosen the best tattoo, booked an appointment with the best tattoo parlour around you, and are super excited about it. But disaster strikes, and just a couple of days before your big day, there is a major setback – you get up sick.

You must have decided to get tattooed despite the discomfort. But hold on. Before going to the tattoo parlour, consider these important facts.

Sickness may add to the discomfort related to the tattoos. You may spread infections to people around you. Infections may prolong the process of healing. Yes, you can get your tattoo done even if you are sick, but it is not the right thing to do.

If you are infectious, you are most likely to spread the infection, and that’s the reason why most tattoo artists won’t go ahead with the job.

What’s the issue with getting a tattoo while you are sick?

There is no rule, as such, that you can’t get yourself tattooed when you are sick. But not all tattoo artists welcome you with open arms when such a situation arises. An average adult suffers from a cold at least two or three times per year. You can even get food poisoning, which affects 48 million people in the United States every year. All these minor problems may impact your tattooing experience.

What is wrong with getting a tattoo when the illness is just mild?

► You feel terrible.

A cold will give you a headache, the flu causes body pain, and certain foods can give you a bad stomach ache. Imagine yourself sitting with the tattoo artist, going through the painful process of tattooing while suffering from the illness’s discomfort and pain. It may make everything feel worse. Most people are in pain and discomfort when they are sick, and tattooing adds to that. On top of that, you will lack concentration, and that won’t be good for the tattoo artist, who wants the fine line to be perfect.

You may also get a shaky tattoo as you are unable to keep still. It’s better to take rest and come with a clear head unless you are fully confident that your health is good enough for the inking.

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► Increases the chance of getting infections.

Whenever you get a tattoo, you can’t ignore signs of infection . A good tattoo artist always talks about the care and chances of infection. Avoid being tattooed when you are sick, as the immune system already has a lot more things to deal with. Your utmost priority should be avoiding a new dangerous infection for your already overworked immune system.

The extra pressure could do many things, like you may need more time to recover from your sickness and the tattoo may take a very long time to heal.

► You’re more likely to infect people around you.

Many people don’t think about this matter. Your infections or illnesses go everywhere with you. You can be contagious with an infection even before your body shows symptoms of it. As soon as you reach the parlor, you risk infecting everyone, including the tattoo artist, staff, and other customers. And if you are coughing and sneezing, you are contaminating the equipment of the tattoo parlor as well. A decent tattoo parlor will clean up all this equipment, but the people present there will have a chance of getting sick.

► Medication and immune sensitivity

Acne is not a serious issue, but the medicine we take to cure it can cause concern if you are looking for a new tattoo. Medicines listed for the treatment of acne can make the skin hypersensitive and make tattooing unbearable, even adding to the risk of scarring.

Many over the counter drugs and antibiotics have the same effect, so it’s good to consult your physician to know that the medicine you are taking is safe for the procedure.

► Blood thinning medicines

Blood thinning medicines are also not good for tattoos, as even a delicate prick may lead to heavy blood loss. It is advised to consult your physician before getting a tattoo.


Every tattoo lover must know the actual process before getting a tattoo, as it can be an unpleasant experience. You will love the result, but the actual process can be very excruciating.

It is very important to be in the best of your health before tattooing, and it becomes more important when you are going for a big and time consuming tattoo.

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The risk of infection increases manifold when you are sick, and you can create a problem of infection for the people around you. For such reasons, we always recommend waiting until you feel better. If you’re not contagious and sure to face the extra pain, go for it.

You are finally getting your dream tattoo. You must follow the aftercare advice closely. Also, be sure to use high quality healing lotions for the best recovery.


Q- I am not 18 yet but I have my parents’ consent—can I go for a tattoo?

To get inked in the United Kingdom, you must be at least 18 years old, according to the law. You need to bring in a photographic ID showing your date of birth. In the United States, you need parental consent to get a tattoo if you are not 18, and the parent or guardian needs to be present at the time of the procedure.

Q- I am really scared of needles. Can I still go for a tattoo?

If you are scared of needles, which is a common phobia, you should know that needles don’t go very deep and a professional tattoo artist would never puncture the skin completely. The tattoo feels like a hot scratch and does not feel like an injection. The damage caused to the skin is minimal.

Q- Is getting tattooed safe?

Yes, if you opt for a reputed parlor that uses disposable equipment, new needles, and inks for every customer. Reputable tattoo parlors also take adequate steps to prevent cross contamination. We strongly recommend checking the strict safety standards at the parlor to have an infection-free experience.

Q- How far does the needle go into the skin?

On average, between 0.5 and 2MM

Q- How long does it take a newly made tattoo to heal?

A tattoo may take 7 to 10 days to heal, but some may take five to six days, and some may take up to three weeks to completely heal. You should take good care of the tattoo and make sure that it is not sunburned in its early stages.

Q- Can I get an infection from a tattoo?

You should not get any infections if your tattoo artist is trained professionally and is using new inks and needles. The artist should also be following the cross-contamination process and should be aware of infection control methods. Most of the infection happens during the healing of the tattoo when it is exposed to unhealthy things like the constant use of dirty towels, dirty fingers, contact with animals, etc. Follow all the instructions for aftercare to get the best results from the tattoo.

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Q- Should I let my friend who has a tattoo kit and is good at drawing make a tattoo for me?

No, an untrained tattoo artist can put your life in danger. Without the infection control process, both the tattoo artist and the client are exposed to a high risk of diseases. Always remember that if someone has a good hand at drawing, it does not by any means make them a tattoo professional.

What should I do to prepare before going for a tattoo?


  1. Have a healthy meal an hour before your appointment. Tattooing may cause a sudden drop in blood sugar levels, which may lead to nausea and faintness, so see to it that your blood sugar levels are stable.
  2. Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking plenty of water the day before and on the day of your appointment, as it enhances the healing process.
  3. Wear clean and warm clothes that are comfortable and allow easy access to the tattoo area.
  4. Get your ID.
  5. Get something for entertainment.
  6. Tattooing is a long and boring process, and the tattoo artist will be concentrating on the tattoo, so he may not talk to you at all times. Get some music or a movie—or something to keep you busy.
  7. Tattooing is a long and time-consuming process, so give yourself enough time before the appointment. Plan a visit properly to avoid anxiety.
  1. Don’t take aspirin at least 24 hours before your tattoo appointment.
  2. Never wear white or new clothes, as tattooing is a messy process that may ruin your clothes.
  3. Don’t eat sugary foods and drinks before your tattoo, as it may unstabilize the sugar levels, which could lead to light headedness or even fainting.
  4. Don’t get your entire group of friends or family members, as most of the famous studios are pre-booked with appointments and there is hardly any room for the group. You can take along one of your friends or family members.