Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Style

beating the undead in style

In honor of the upcoming parades of undead, we’re busting out all the right stylish accessories to help make this Halloween the most fashionably fiendish yet. First up on our list: zombie awareness.

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Show the brain-eating undead a little love by letting the world know that they’re misunderstood. Become a zombie awareness advocate, and all your fellow party-goers will applaud your sense of style (and your sense of humor). And don’t forget, now is the perfect time to beef up your survival kit with some on-the-go aftercare solutions.

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Leave it to the US government to turn pop culture into an education tool. Since zombie-based entertainment hit the heights of popularity circa 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released the ultimate modern public health masterpiece: a tongue in cheek PDF encouraging zombie pandemic preparedness. Rife with metaphors (and arguably social commentary), the 40 page graphic work of zombification fiction follows an average Joe as he pulls together a proper disaster stash. Aside from the old standbys like water and batteries, just a few of the CDC’s recommended emergency kit items include blankets, maps, first aid kits, cash, medicine, flashlights, and a manual can opener.

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