Can You Take Ibuprofen or Painkillers Before Getting A Tattoo?

Can You Take Ibuprofen or Painkillers Before Getting A Tattoo?

Painkillers Before Getting A Tattoo are an inevitable part of tattooing. It is something that you cannot ignore, no matter where you get yourself tattooed. Of course, there are some places, such as your thigh, calf, etc., where you feel comparatively less pain. However, there is no body part where you will feel NO PAIN when getting a tattoo.

And pain is the significant reason most people either drop the idea of getting a tattoo or simply commit a mistake by taking painkillers.

So, if you’re also planning to take painkillers while getting a tattoo, then read this post.

In this post, we shall discuss whether or not you can take Ibuprofen or painkillers.

So, let’s get started…

Presumably, you know that when you get a tattoo, it bleeds. Taking medication to eliminate pain may increase the likelihood that more blood will be lost than usual. This is especially true for Ibuprofen or any other painkilling medication.

Prolonged Healing tattoo

Your tattoo bleeds because it is etched using highly pointed needles. These needles get deep into your skin, penetrating it because of the in-and-out piercing. There is a cluster of tiny blood veins just below the surface of the skin.

Know that our body can limit any blood loss by fast-mending any cuts or wounds, so this normally isn’t too much of a problem.

However, if you use any painkiller or Ibuprofen, your blood may become significantly thinner than usual. Because of this, the natural clotting process becomes less efficient at controlling the flow of blood. This, in turn, results in an increased risk of blood seeping through the tiny holes formed by the needles. This more significant loss of blood can result in many health concerns.

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Not only this, but certain painkillers can even disrupt the natural clotting mechanism, which means that even though your blood will also be thinner, your body will have a more difficult time stopping the bleeding. This can be deadly if significant volumes of blood are lost.

How can taking painkillers complicate the whole tattooing procedure?

Undoubtedly, health complications are pretty common when you take painkillers. Aside from that, several other complications may arise during the process, some of them are as follows:

Restricting Tattooist’s View

Etching a tattoo is an art, of course! But with a restricted vision, even the greatest of the artist cannot etch a tattoo.

It is imperative for an artist to have a crystal clear view of the contour of the stencil that they are tracing so that they can correctly position your tattoo exactly where it needs to be.

But when you take Ibuprofen or other painkillers, it hampers the whole process. It is because it thins your blood, and the pool of blood on the top of the skin prevents the tattoo artist from properly seeing the location where the tattoo should be etched.

Higher Cost

You’ll be surprised to know this; however, the truth is that more blood will add to your cost. It is because when your skin bleeds excessively around the tattoo, the artist will need more time to etch it. Your tattoo artist will have to begin and stop several times in order to get you the desired body artwork. This, in turn, will increase the overall duration of the session, thereby increasing your total cost.

Possibly, your artist may ask you to come for another session to complete the piece, which will again add to your cost.

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No Tattoo

More often than not, tattoo artists give you guidelines to follow before coming to the studio. They even tell you in advance not to take any medication. If you still take the medication, any professional artist will never take a chance. The moment he/she knows that you have taken any medicine or painkiller, they will instantly refuse to work with you.

Prolonged Healing

Tattoo healing is a process that takes around 3 to 6 weeks in all. However, if you take painkillers before the process, it will lengthen the healing time for you. It is because taking medication or Ibuprofen can lead to complications. More frequently than not, the freshly etched tattooed location bleeds for up to 48 hours due to mediation.

Discomfort and Disappointment

Of course, prolonged tattoo sessions and prolonged tattoo healing can lead to discomfort and disappointment. As said earlier, tattoos come with pain. Every person who gets a tattoo wants his/her session to get over soon. When you take painkillers before the process, it prolongs the session, leading to more pain.

Unappealing Tattoo Design

As said earlier, taking medication before the process makes your blood thinner, leading to excessive blood flow. The artist’s vision is impaired by the high volume of blood pumping beneath the skin at the intended tattoo placement. A professional tattoo artist will always choose to refuse to do your tattoo.

However, if your artist agrees to give you a tattoo, he may not be able to give you the exact design that you want! No matter how hard your artist tries, you cannot ignore that clearer space is a primary requirement for an appealing tattoo.

What shall I do if I am already on some Medication?

It’s advised to consult your physician if you’re currently on any kind of medication before getting a tattoo. Doing so will ensure that the tattooing will not have any adverse effects on your health. Your physician would be able to analyze your condition and accordingly tell you whether or not you should get a tattoo.

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What shall I do if I am already on some Medication

Also, you can speak to your tattoo artist before getting the tattoo about your medication. It’s always a good idea to be completely honest with your artist so as to avoid any health complications. This is necessary so that the specialist doing the surgery can be ready for any odd reactions to your medicine that may occur throughout the process.

The professional tattoo artist will always review your prescription to see how tattooing will impact your health. A professional artist will never recommend you to get a tattoo if there is a likelihood of health complications. So, it’s advised to choose only experienced and highly reputable tattoo artists for your tattoo design.

Wrapping it up…

So, with it, we conclude our article. We hope that it has been an informative piece for you. And you have probably understood that taking Ibuprofen or a painkiller before getting a tattoo is a BIG NO!

And if you want to give it a try, don’t forget the adverse effects that your drug may produce. Know that your health is your priority! If you’re under any kind of medication, it’s always good to put the idea of getting a tattoo on hold. Yes, you can get a tattoo at any time once you’re free from the medication process.

Trust that wait will be worthwhile!

Aside from that, it is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist religiously. It will ensure the fastest tattoo healing and vibrant tattoo for a long time.

Happy Tattooing… ☺ ☺